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Англійська мова

Домашні завдання з англійської мови для 10-го класу. Другий семестр

Урок 33

4. 2. a) Good music is characterized by its lasting qualities.
Pop music appeared in the mid-50s.
Because you can't hear the words.
No, they are not.
Bob Dylan sang about death, war, class attitude and justice.
б) Музика — "це мистецтво поєднання звуків з точки зору краси форми та висловлювання емоцій". Гарна музика, як будь-яке гарне мистецтво, характе¬ ризується своїми постійними якостями. З цієї точки зору, поп-музика може розглядатися як антитеза музиці.
в) 1) Pop music has permeated all the mass media — such as radio, television, cinema, press.
2) Good music, like any good art is characterized by its lasting qualities.
3) Pop music appeared in the mid-50s with the arrival of rock'n'roll.
4) Bob Dylan sings poetically about death, war, class attitude and justice.
5) The Beatles enjoyed popularity because of a good melody.

5.1) We celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January. 2) When Christmas is celebrated in England? 3) The Old New Year is not celebrated in England. 4) "Happy New Year!" we tell on the 1st of January. 5) I have forgotten to greet my sister with Christmas. 6) Who greeted you with Christmas? 7) We had decorated our classroom before the New Year. 8) I always celebrate the New Year at home.

Урок 35

21.1) I have bought two loafs of white bread. 2) My mother asked me to buy a loaf of bread. 3) Where can I buy a bun? 4) I can buy meat at the butcher's shop or at the supermarket. 5) A supermarket is a very big shop. 6) I shall go to buy tinned fish in an hour. 7) My family buys food at the supermarket. 8) We don't buy bread at the butcher's shop. 9) A loaf of bread costs 1 hryvnia. 10) Let's buy tinned meat.

Урок 36

25. Have you any apples?
Two kilograms, please.
Here you are.
Here are 3 hryvnias.

Can I help you?
Yes, I want this suit.
What size?
My size is 46.
Here it is.
Let me try it on.
Please. This is a mirror.
How much is this suit?
150 hryvnias.

27.1) A short time ago my mother bought food at shops. They were too expensive at the market. Now my mother buys only bread, sugar and butter at the shop. 2) I never buy goods in this shop, they are the most expensive here. 3) I have bought 4 ice-¬creams: for my sister, for my mother, for my father and for me.

Урок 37

31.1); 5); 7); 9).

32.S.A.: Can I help you, madam?
L.C.: Yes, I want some butter, some cheese, and eggs: a pound of butter, half a pound of cheese, 10 eggs.
S.A.: Yes, madam.
L.C.: Oh, I want coffee too.
S.A.: What coffee?
L.C.: That one.
S.A.: Here is your bill. Pay at the cashdesk, please.

34. Див. впр. ЗІ.

Урок 38

38. Bob: Could you show me that shirt, please? Shop-assistant: Do you know your size? Bob: My size in Ukraine is 44. Shop-assistant: It is 17,5 in London. Here you are. Bob: I'd like to try it on. Shop-assistant: You can do it there. Bob: It does not fit me. Could you show me another shirt? Shop-assistant: Here it is. Bob: Oh, I like this. What is the price? Shop-assistant: It is 10$. Bob: I'll take it.

41.1) Shops are very important in our life. 2) We can buy almost all in modern department stores. 3) What can you buy at the department store? 4) You buy fruits at the greengrocer's shop, don't you? 5) We don't buy sugar at the butcher's shop. 6) Where do you buy tinned fruits? 7) Usually food in a supermarket is cheaper than in small shops. 8) What can you buy at the market? 9) I have bought two ice-¬creams. 10) Do you like ice-cream? 11) I bought 4 kilograms of watermelons last Sunday. 12) My sister doesn't like meat.
2.2. a) Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson go to one of the greatest University towns for a few days of rest. Mr. Seames was a lecturer of the college. No, he didn't. The papers were brought from the printer about 3 o'clock. He left the papers upon his writing-table. The papers were in disorder: one was lying on the writing-table, the other was on the floor and the third — on the table near the window. Mr. Seames noticed a hard piece of black clay and the point of a pencil.
б) 1) Mr. Seames was going to read the examination papers because the text on these papers must be absolutely correct. 2) On coming back, Mr. Seames saw a key in the door of his room. 3) The only duplicate of the key belonged to the servant.
4) Mr. Seames' servant kept Mr. Seames' rooms in perfect order by cleaning them carefully every day.
в) 1) Excuse my coming so late. 2) I can't spare you much time. 3) Holmes wanted to devote his spare time to reading magazines. 4) The translation must be done without a dictionary. (The text is to be translated without a dictionary.) 5) I made the most careful examination of my room. 6) "Look at that", - said Mr. Seames and handed Holmes both the piece of clay and the point.

Урок 40

54.2. a) ground floor, lock the door, to examine the room, industrious students, the former, the latter, the least industrious. How long were you absent? Whom do you suspect? His honesty is absolutely above suspicion. He was fond of sports. He was in greater need of the scholarship.
б) Three men lived. Ras, an Indian student.
He came in to ask questions about the examination.
He left a servant in the room.
No, he didn't.
Gilford was.
The Ras' weakest point was languages.
Maclaren was older than Ras and Gilford. He was the least industrious and the most unprincipled man, he spent little time on his studies and felt very nervous on the days followed by the examinations.

57.1); 7);

60. 1) Yes, I do. 2) No (Yes), she doesn't (she does). 3) I know different kinds of shops, such as chain-stores, supermarket, the butcher's shop, the baker's shop, the greengrocer's shop, delicatessen's shop, department store, haberdashery, ready-made clothes shop, footwear shop, sport goods shop. 4) We buy bread and bun at the baker's. 5) My mother buys food at the supermarket. 6) Yes, she does. 7) Shop-assistants sell food in shops.

Урок 43

70.1) I like cooking. 2) My sister does not like cooking. 3) Phone me in 15 minutes, I am cooking now. 4) You like cooking, don't you? 5) Who likes cooking? — My mother likes. 6) I don't like cutlets. 7) She likes beefsteak with fried potatoes. 8) Take a piece of bread. 9) I have dinner in our canteen usually. 10) My friend never has dinner in our canteen.

Урок 44

79.1) I am having dinner now. 2) He usually has breakfast at half past seven. 3) When do you usually have supper? 4) When will you have dinner tomorrow? 5) When I entered the kitchen, my sister was having supper. 6) What are you doing now? — І am having breakfast. 7) My sister usually doesn't have breakfast at 7 o'clock. 8) My brother isn't having supper now. He is watching TV. 9) I was having supper, when my friend came in. 10) You usually have breakfast at eight o'clock, don't you? 11) Where do you have dinner usually? — In a restaurant.

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