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јнгл≥йська мова

ƒомашн≥ завданн¤ з англ≥йськоњ мови дл¤ 11-го класу. The first term (lessons 1-32)

1. a) Ч The children at the bank of the river are playing chess, sunbathing and playing volley-ball.
The boys under the tree are playing chess.
The children in the river are swimming.
The two boys have already swum.
I think they will lie in the sun.
The children in the picture 2 are sightseeing.
They will visit many other places of interest.
The boy and the girl in the picture 3 are gathering mushrooms.
They will bring the mushrooms to their mother.

4. —”„ј—Ќ≤ ¬»ѕ”— Ќ» »

“епер ти учень одинадц¤того класу. ÷е значить, що це тв≥й останн≥й навчальний р≥к. “и будеш складати випускн≥ ≥спити ≥ повинен вир≥шити, ¤к використати знанн¤, що ти отримав у школ≥. «ак≥нченн¤ пшоли Ч це початок твого самост≥йного житт¤, початок набагато серйозн≥шого екзамену, що пов'¤заний з твоњм подальшим навчанн¤м та трудовою д≥¤льн≥стю. ўоб скласти цей ≥спит, тоб≥ потр≥бно вибрати св≥й шл¤х, ¤кий в≥дкриЇтьс¤ перед тобою. “и повинен вибрати профес≥ю, в ¤к≥й найб≥льш розвинутьс¤ твоњ таланти ≥ тво¤ прац¤ принесе кращ≥ результати дл¤ тебе осoбисто та дл¤ твоЇњ Ѕатьк≥вщини, ”крањни. Ўирокий шл¤х в≥дкритий перед тобою. “и повинен дуже добре подумати ≥ порадитись з батьками, вчител¤ми та друз¤ми, ≥цоб бути впевненим, що ти правильно обрав профес≥ю, ¤ка зможе задовольнити ≥ твоњ бажанн¤, ≥ потреби твоЇњ крањни.

5. Who am ≤?
What will I pass?
What will I do?
Who will pass school-leaving examinations?
Who is my friend?
Who is an eleventh-former?

13. 1) I have to decide how to use.the knowledge I have received at school
2) My friend has not chosen his future occupation yet.
3) To pass your school-leaving examinations you must work hard.
4) Who is sure that he has chosen the right occupation that will satisfy his own tastes?
5) Ч Have you already passed your school-leaving exams? Ч Yes, I have.
6) English is my favourite school subject.

1) I am a pupil of the eleventh form and my friend Roman is a pupil of the tenth form.
2) My little sister does not go to school. She goes to kinder-garten.
3) My sister does not like to read. She likes to play.
4) What games does he like to play?
5) Many roads lie open before us.
6) My friend Petro is a student at university.
7) The Dnipro flows into the Black Sea.

21. 1) How often does Marry watch TV?
2) Why don't some pupils like to do their lessons?
3) Where does Marko study?
4) What time do I have breakfast in the morning?
5) How often does he play chess?
6) Why doesn't he play football in the morning?
7) Whose dictionary is there on the table?
8) What questions does Boris often ask?
9) What street does he live on in Lutsk?

22.ќ—¬≤“ј ¬ ” –јѓЌ≤

¬ ”крањн≥ право на осв≥ту гарантуЇтьс¤  онституц≥Їю (—татт¤ 53).  ожен хлопець та д≥вчина повинн≥ отримати середню осв≥ту; це значить, що середн¤ осв≥та Ї обов'зковою у наш≥й держав≥. ≤снують державн≥ школи; навчанн¤ в ¤ких Ї безкоштовним, та приватн≥ школи, де учн≥ повинн≥ платити за навчанн¤. ” кожн≥й школ≥ Ї базовий та шк≥льний навчальн≥ плани. Ѕазовий навчальний план складаЇтьс¤ з украњнськоњ мови та л≥тератури, математики, ф≥зики, х≥м≥њ, географ≥њ, св≥товоњ л≥тератури, ≥ноземноњ мови та ≥нших предмет≥в. јдже кожний громад¤нин ”крањни маЇ право отримати середню осв≥ту на своњй р≥дн≥й мов≥, ≥снують школи дл¤ нац≥ональних меншин, де учн≥ вивчають р≥дну мову. ” б≥льшост≥ з них ус≥ предмети викладаютьс¤ т≥Їю ж мовою. ѕ≥сл¤ зак≥нченн¤ дев'¤того класу загальноосв≥тньоњ школи молод≥ люди можуть п≥ти до дес¤того класу або профес≥йно-техн≥чного училища чи техн≥куму. Ћ≥цењ та г≥мназ≥њ Ї також видами загальноосв≥тн≥х навчальних заклад≥в. ¬они пропонують програми, що дають поглиблен≥ знанн¤ з ¤коњсь дисципл≥ни. ќтри мавши загальну середню осв≥ту, випускник може почати працювати або вступити до ≥нституту, академ≥њ або ун≥верситету. Ѕагато академ≥й та ун≥верситет≥в мають заочн≥ в≥дд≥ленн¤.

25. 1) Citizens of Ukraine have the right to get education.
2) The right to education is guaranteed by the Constitution of Ukraine.
3) My younger sister goes to the primary school.
4) National minorities in Ukraine have the right to get education in their mother tongue.
5) Your mother tongue (native language) is Ukrainian, isn't it?
6) Graduates have the right to enter an institute, an academy or a university.
7) Your brother is a student of the extramural department of university, isn't he?

32. 1) I do not study at university.
2) Does he live in London?
3) Do you understand the rule?
4) What do you like best, mathematics or physics?
5) What book does he like to read?
6) They do not live in Kyiv.
7) Does your grandfather live in the country?
8) Where does he live?

33. 1) His father has got a new car, hasn't he?
2) You haven't bought a new dress, have you?
3) Your sister has broken her pencil, hasn't she?
4) Your mother has been to Odessa, hasn't she?
5) You have never been to Paris, have you?
6) You have a new dictionary, haven't you?
7) He has met many friends, hasn't he?
8) Your friend hasn't got a car. has he?
9) They have greeted a new English teacher, haven't they'.'

34. 1) My friend doesn't like mathematics.
2) Why don't you go to school
3) Your father has been to London, hasn't he?
4) My mother has never been to London.
5) Your sister has bought an interesting book, hasn't she?
6) You go to a private school, don't you?
7) Who hasn't got an English-Ukrainian dictionary?
8) You don't live in Kyiv, do you?
9) Who doesn't like to go to the cinema? Ч My sister doesn't.

39. 1-а; 2-b; 3-a: 4-а; 5-b; 6-b; 7-а; 8-а.

41. 1) We buy bread every day.
2) You buy bread every day, don't you?
3) Where do you buy bread?
4) The shop-assistant helps us to choose the goods, doesn't he?
5) What do you buy at the greengrocer's? Ч Vegetables, of course.
6) Do you go to the supermarket? Ч No, I don't. 1 usually go to a big shop. It is situђated opposite my house.

48. 1) She is younger than her brother.
2) I presented him with some new books.
3) The girls had a nice flower in her hands.
4) It is not my book, it is his.
5) That is not my book.
6) Her book was on the table.
7) Where are his books?
8) Is your book interesting?

49. 1) There are many books on the table. They are mine.
2) Whose book is it? Ч It's mine.
3) This is my pencil-box, and that is his.
4) Whose diary is it? Ч It's mine.
5) Whose school is this? Ч This is my school.
6) This is my sister. Her name is Oksana.
7) Mykola, is it your hat? Ч No, it is his hat.

52. ћ≥стер —м≥т ≥де на прогул¤нку ≥ зустр≥чаЇ свого старого друга, ¤кого не бачим ≥ про ¤кого н≥чого не чув вже двадц¤ть рок≥в. —тарий друг говорить: Ђ« того часу, коли ми в останнЇ бачились, ¤ одруживс¤. ” нас маленька дочка Ч ось вонаї. ћаленька дочка з'¤вл¤Їтьс¤ ≥ њњ знайомл¤ть з м≥стером —м≥том. ћ≥стер —м≥т говорить: Ђяк тебе звуть, маленька?ї ј д≥вчинка в≥дпов≥даЇ: Ђћене звуть так само, ¤к ≥ мою мат≥рї. Ђј, Ч каже м≥стер —м≥т, Ч тод≥ тебе звуть ћаргарет?ї Ђ“акї, в≥дпов≥даЇ маленька д≥вчинка. «в≥дки м≥стер —м≥т здогадавс¤, що њњ звуть ћаргарет?

53. ¬≥рна в≥дпов≥дь, ¤ка й Ї ключом до загадки, Ї те, що старий друг м≥стера —м≥та був ж≥нкою, отже Ч подругою: ” будь-¤кому раз≥ в≥н, звичайно, знав њњ ≥м'¤. —права в тому, що в англ≥йськ≥й мов≥ не можливо ч≥тко визначити р≥д сло ва Ђfriendї.

54. 1) tooth Ч teeth; 2) pen Ч pens; 3) book Ч books; 4) man Ч men; 5) fox Ч foxes; 6) mouse Ч mice; 7) goose Ч geese; 8) boot Ч boots; 9) hat Ч hats: 10) mother Ч mothers; 11) woman Ч women; 12) leafЧ leaves; 13) task Ч tasks; 14) foot Чfeet; 15) child Ч children: 16) page Ч pages: 17) roofЧ roofs: 18) knife Ч knives.

55.1) Many men came to the stadium.
2) There are many children here, aren't there?
3) In October leaves on the trees are yellow, aren't they?
4) Women are usually afraid of mice.
5) This grey bird is very small.
6) The roofs of the houses were wet.

60. Antin: Hello. Roman. I haven't seen you for ages. What are doing here?
Roman: I am training to be a shop manager.
Antin: It is very interesting. Do you enjoy it?
Roman: Yes, I like it very much. What about you?
Antin: Well, I am not working at the moment. I'm writing an article.
Roman: Really? What kind of article is it?
Antin: It is a scientific one. I study at university, and we are investigating the probђlem connected with pollution.
Roman: Oh, I see. It was a pleasure to meet you. See you later!
Antin: I was glad to meet you again. Good-bye!
1) You have got a sister, haven't you?
2) I have written two letters and I am writing the third one now.
3) You are writing a letter, aren't you? Ч No. I'm not. I have already written the letter. I am writing an article now.
4) Do you play chess? Ч No, I don't. I don't like to play chess.
5) I play chess every day. But now I am playing draughts. And what are you doing now? Ч I am talking to you.
6) Look! It's snowing now!
7) Where is your mother? Ч She's having breakfast.
8) Let's go to the forest. It is not raining already.
9) I have already read this article and I can give it to you.

67. «јЌя““я, ѕ–ќ‘≈—≤ѓ, –≈ћ≈—Ћј

«ан¤тт¤ (фах) -Ч це будь-¤ка д≥¤льн≥сть, дл¤ ¤коњ людин≥ потр≥бна певна квал≥ф≥кац≥¤ та тренуванн¤. якщо вам потр≥бно буде заповнити оф≥ц≥йний бланк у Ѕритан≥њ, ви, ¤к правило, знайдете р¤док Ђ‘ахї, а ¤кщо вас буде ≥нтерв'ювати службовець, в≥н може спитати: Ђ’то ви за фахом?ї якщо в≥н приблизно вже знаЇ про р≥д вашоњ д≥¤льност≥ - чи ви профес≥йний роб≥тник, спец≥ал≥ст, квал≥ф≥кований, нап≥вквал≥ф≥кований або неквал≥ф≥кований роб≥тник ф≥зичноњ прац≥ Ч в≥н може поставити вам б≥льш конкретне питанн¤: Ђяка у вас профес≥¤?ї, Ђ„им ви займаЇтесь?ї. Ђяку роботу ви виконуЇте?ї ” звичайн≥й, повс¤кденн≥й бес≥д≥ людина, що хоче д≥знатис¤ про чиюсь профес≥ю, просто спитаЇ: Ђ им ви працюЇте?ї. Ђяк ви заробл¤Їте на житт¤?ї , Ђƒе працюЇ м≥стер ƒжонс?ї, Ђ„им займаЇтьс¤ —т≥в?ї ≤снуЇ три основн≥ види зан¤ть: профес≥¤, ремесло та робота. “радиц≥йно, профес≥¤ Ч це зан¤тт¤, що потребуЇ перш за все ≥нтелектуальних зусиль та отриманн¤ вищоњ осв≥ти в ун≥верситет≥ або академ≥њ прот¤гом тривалого часу. “аким чином, ми говоримо про профес≥ю медика, вчител¤, ≥нженера ≥ так дал≥. –емесло Ч- це зан¤тт¤, що потребуЇ високого р≥вн¤ навичок ф≥зичноњ прац≥ та певного пер≥оду практичного та теоретичного навчанн¤. ћехан≥ки, електрики, монтери, токар≥, кравц≥, ткач≥, перукар≥ ≥ т.д. оволод≥ли ремеслом. Ѕагато зан¤ть не в≥днос¤тьс¤ н≥ до ремесел, н≥ до профес≥й. ћи часто називаЇмо так≥ зан¤тт¤ Ђроботамиї. ” цьому розум≥нн≥ терм≥н Ђроботаї в≥дноситьс¤ ¤к до нап≥вквал≥ф≥кованих та неквал≥ф≥кованих роб≥тник≥в ф≥зичноњ прац≥ з одного боку, так ≥ до зан¤ть, що потребують значних знань та розумових вм≥нь з ≥ншого боку. јле розмежувальн≥ л≥н≥њ м≥ж профес≥¤ми, ремеслами та роботами, ¤к правило, неч≥тк≥.

70. 1) An occupation is any activity for which you need the certain qualification and training.
2) In ordinary conversation if people want to know someone's occupation they ask: "What are you?", "What do you do for a living?" or "What's your job?"
3) A profession is an occupation which demands mainly mental skills and a long period of higher education at a university or an academy.
4) A trade is an occupation which requires a certain period of theoretical and practical training and a high level of manual skill.
5) In the text such examples of trades are given: turners, hairdressers, fitters, electricians, mechanics, weavers and tailors.
6) The term "job" includes both unskilled and semi-skilled manual occupations and occupations which require considerable knowledge and mental skills.
76. 1) Labour is an honourable duty for everybody in our country.
2) The wealth of our country is created by the labour of all the citizens.
3) It is very important for everybody to work hard.

77.b) 1) I have already written my article for the school newspaper. I have not written my article for the school newspaper yet. Have you already written your article for the school newspaper?
2) She has entered Technical University this year. She hasn't entered Technical University this year. Has she entered Technical University this year?
3) I have just chosen the occupation that will satisfy my own tastes. I haven't chosen the occupation that will satisfy my own tastes yet. Have you chosen the occupation that will satisfy your own tastes?

79. 1) Have you ever been to Paris? Ч No, I haven't.
2) I haven't seen you for ages. Where have you been?
3) He has already passed all his exams.
4) Have you entered the university? Ч Yes,'I have. And you?
5) I have changed my plans.
6) I have never been there. And you
7) He has already forgotten these words.
8) Haven't you done this exercise yet? Ч Not vet. I'll do it in an hour.

82. Watchmaker Ч a person who makes watches: Tool-maker - a person who makes different tools: Bus-driver Ч- a person who drives a bus: Tram-driver Ч a person who drives a tram; Car-driver Ч a person who drives a car; Taxi-driver Ч a person who drives a taxi; Hairdresser Ч a person who makes haircuts and hairstyles: Tailor Ч a person who makes clothes; Novelist Ч a person who writes novels; Doctor Ч a person who treats people for different diseases; Teacher Ч a person who teaches children; Composer Ч a person who composes music.

86.1) I'd like to become a stewardess and my sister wants to become a teacher.
2) What would you like to be? Ч I'd like to be a doctor.
3) 1 would like to write it down, but I haven't got a pen.
4) He'd like to read, but he hasn't got a book.
5) I'd like to become an engineer. And you?

92.1) The profession of a doctor attracts me most of all. because it is very noble to treat people.
2) Of course, Ukraine, like any other country, needs good doctors, because the naђtion's health depends on them.
3) To acquire this profession one should enter Medical university and have a lot of theoretical and practical training.
4) I suppose I will try to get medical education just after finishing school.'
5) My parents like my choice and support me.

93. There are many interesting and useful professions and trades but I like the profession of a teacher. My mother is a teacher and I am eager to become a teacher, too. Besides, I am fond of foreign languages. I have been learning English for many years. So, I want to teach English. Once our English teacher caught cold. I was in the 9"' form and the head master asked me to give an English lesson in the 5 form. I entered the classroom, saw many pupils sitting at their desks, and said, "Good morning", and began the lesson. I wanted the pupils to like English. We read, wrote, sang songs, played games and cited funny poems. Now I know well that I will train to be an English teacher after leaving school. This profession is very interesting and very difficult. It is interesting.because you work with the pupils, with the personalities. It is difficult because you have to teach them a foreign language. To be a good teacher means to be a highly educated person and to know a lot. Every day I improve my English by reading books, translating sentences from Ukrainian into English, reading English newspapers and magazines, watching English and American TV programmes. I am fond of English and I want to be a skilled teacher.

99. ƒќ «≤–ќ 

—тор≥чч¤ми людство мр≥¤ло про подорож≥ у космос. ¬ 1865 роц≥ ∆уль ¬ерн опубл≥кував св≥й в≥домий роман Ђ« «емл≥ до ћ≥с¤ц¤ї. ¬≥н розпов≥даЇ нам, ¤к героњ його роману долають силу земного т¤ж≥нн¤ за допомогою високоњ швидкост≥. ” своњй книз≥ Ђѕерша людина на ћ≥с¤ц≥ї √ерберт ”ельс винайшов речовину, що блокувала т¤ж≥нн¤, дл¤ того, щоб перенести своњх героњв до ћ≥с¤ц¤.  осм≥чний корабель, вкритий ц≥Їю речовиною, м≥г подорожувати у космос. “о були, тим не менш, лише ≥стор≥њ, вигадан≥ письменниками-фантастами, ≥ багатьом люд¤м вони здавались лише фантастичними мр≥¤ми. ќднак багато вчених працювали над проблемами м≥жпланетних подорожей. —еред них було багато наших сп≥вв≥тчизник≥в: ќлександр «ас¤дько (1779-1834),  ост¤нтин  ост¤нтинов (1817 або 1818 року народженн¤), ћиколо  ибальчиш, ¤кий помер у в≥ц≥ 28 рок≥в,  ост¤нтин ÷юлковський з≥ славетного козацького роду Ќаливайко. ёр≥й  ондратюк, ¤кий зробив розрахунки дл¤ польоту людини на ћ≥с¤ць. 4 жовтн¤ 1957 року перший у св≥т≥ супутник був запущений в космос. 12 кв≥тн¤ 1961 року косм≥чний корабель з ёр≥Їм √агар≥ним на борту був запущений в космос, а головним конструктором того корабл¤ був наш земл¤к —ерг≥й  орольов. ¬≥н працював разом з нашими сп≥вв≥тчизниками ћихайлом янгелем, ¬олодимиром „еломиЇм, ¬алентином √лушко та ≥ншими. ” 1969 роц≥ американц≥ в≥дправили своњх астронавт≥в на Ћуну. ¬они використали розрахунки ёр≥¤  ондратюка. ѕершим космонавтом незалежноњ ”крањни, ¤кий побував у космос≥ на борту американського косм≥чного корабл¤ в 1997 роц≥, був Ћеон≥д  аденюк.

100. 1) ≤ know the novel "From the Earth to the Moon'' by Jules Verne and the book "The First Man on the Moon" by Herbert Wells.
2) Olexander Zasiadko, Kostiantyn Kostiantynov, Mykola Kybalchych, Kostiantyn Tsiolkovskyi. Yurii Kondratiuk, Serhii Koroliov were our compatriots who took part in elaborating the problems of interplanetary travelling.
3) The first manned satellite was launched on April, 1961.
4) Yurii Gagarin was the first cosmonaut.
5) Americans sent their astronauts to the Moon in 1969.
6) Yurii Kondratiuk was famous for his calculations that were used for the first manned flight to the Moon.
7) The first cosmonaut of the independent Ukraine is Leonid Kadeniuk.

106. a) a (one) third; a (one) ninth; a (one) thirty-seventh; two sevenths; five elevenths; seventeen twenty-thirds; five and a seventh; seven and eight ninths; seventeen and three fifths; seven and nine seventeenths; twenty-two and two thirds.
b) seven point, five; fifteen point three seven; nine point nought five; a hundred point nought five; point nought five; point three seven; ten point nought nought eight; three point nought seven; four point nought eight; point three nine.
107. 1 Ч first; 2 Ч second; 3 Ч third; 10 Ч tenth; 4 Ч fourth; 11 Ч eleventh; 21 Ч twenty-first; 25 Ч twenty-fifth; 43 Ч forty-third; 99 Ч ninety-ninth; 100 Ч one hundredth; 103 Ч one hundred and third; 123 Ч one hundred and twenty-third; 837 Ч eight hundred and thirty-seventh; 1001 Ч one thousand and first; 2,375 Ч two thousand three hundred and seventy-fifth; 14,501 Ч fourteen thousand five hundred and first.

110. Two thirds; Seven ninths; Nought nought five; Two hundred and twenty-seven; Twenty-one and a third; Three point seven five; Seventy-seven point three six five; Four and four fifths.

115. —ѕ≈÷≤јЋ≤—“ « “ќ–√ќ¬≈Ћ№Ќќ√ќ ѕ–ј¬ј

ѕрограма м≥жнародного техн≥чного розвитку шукаЇ спец≥ал≥ста з торговельного права, з досв≥дом роботи у сфер≥ загального чи цив≥льного права м≥н≥мум чотири роки п≥сл¤ отриманн¤ диплому, дл¤ роботи в юридичному в≥дд≥л≥ сектору, що займаЇтьс¤ розвитком с≥льського господарства:. ѕ≥сл¤ отриманн¤ посади треба мешкати в ”крањн≥ прот¤гом року або б≥льше, тому знанн¤ украњнськоњ мови необх≥дн≥. ѕопередн≥й досв≥д роботи може торкатись будь-¤кого сектору торговл≥, але особливо значущими Ї сфера власност≥ (нерухом≥сть, земл¤, с≥льське господарство) або банк≥вська сфера (ф≥нансов≥ угоди). ” коло обов'¤зк≥в буде входити робота ¤к в юридичн≥й, так ≥ в сфер≥ менеджменту, зокрема п≥дтримка с≥льськогосподарських реорган≥зац≥йних проект≥в та розробка законодавчоњ реформи. –оботу треба розпочати у с≥чн≥.

116. 1) It was he who asked the question.
2) Petro and Roman returned to their class.
3) Both Valia and Katia did their homework.
4) These books are not ours.
5) Both Valerii and Maxym visited their families.
6) Volodymyr said it was he who had done that.

117. 1) They are doing the homework.
2) I saw them in the room.
3) There was a very interesting film on. We saw it.
4) The new grammar rule was explained by him (her).
5) We were waiting for him (her).
6) She went to school.

119. 1) Last summer I was at the summer camp.
2) In summer I read a couple of detective stories.
3) Yes, we are eleventh-formers.
4) We study a lot of subjects. For example, English, Ukrainian, World Literaђture, Algebra, Geometry, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, History and so on.
5) I'm going to be a manager or an accountant.
6) The core curriculum includes Ukrainian, Ukrainian Literature, Mathematics, History, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and some other subjects.
7) The right to education in Ukraine is guaranteed by the fifty-third article of the Constitution.
8) No, I'm not. I'm a pupil of the 11th form.
9) No, I'm not. I'm going to be a manager.
10) Yes, I do. My brother is a student.

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