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Англійська мова

Домашні завдання з англійської мови для 8-го класу. Повторювальний курс

Lesson 5

1. Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. І usually get up at 7 o'clock, do my morning exercises, make my bed, wash and dress. Then I have breakfast and go to school.
2. Yesterday morning I got up at 7 o'clock, did my morning exercises, made my bed, washed and dressed. Then 1 had breakfast and went to school.
3. Tomorrow morning I shall get up at 7 o'clock, do my morning exercises, make my bed, wash and dress. Then I shall have breakfast and go to school.

4. Прочитайте речення і перекладіть їх українською мовою. Теперішній доконаний час Стверджувальна форма
Я (ви, ми, вони) щойно написав (написали) листа.
Він (вона) щойно написав (написала) листа. Заперечна форма
Я (ви, ми, вони) ще не написав (не написали) листа.
Він (вона) ще не написав (не написала) листа. Питальна форма
Ви (вони) написали листа?
— Так (Ні).
Він (вона) написав (написала) листа?
— Так (Ні).

5. Прочитайте речення і скажіть, що ви вже зробили це.
1. Do exercise 4, please. — І have already done exercise 4. 2. Bring a piece of chalk, please. — I have already brought a piece of chalk. 3. Clean the blackboard, please. — I have already cleaned the blackboard. 4. Lay the table, please. — I have already laid the table. 5. Make your bed, please. — I have already made my bed. 6. Shut your book, please. — I have already shut my book. 7. Write a letter to your pen-friend, please. — I have already written a letter to my pen-friend. 8. Wash your hands and face, please. — I have already washed my face and hands.
6. Прочитайте і складіть діалоги, подібні до поданих нижче.
a) — Good evening, Pavlo Ivanovich.
— Hello, Bohdan.
— Has Dmytro already come home from the library?
— No, he hasn't. Come in, he'll be back soon.
— Thank you. Has he done his English lesson yet?
— I'm not sure. If he hasn't you can do it together.
— Good evening, Marina.
— Hello, Olha.
— Has Hanna come home from the sports club?
— No, she hasn't. Come in, she'll be back soon.
— Thank you. Has she done Mathematics yet?
— I'm not sure. If she hasn't you can do it together.
b) — Have you seen Mykola, Hleb?
— Yes, of course.
— Where is he now?
— He isn't here now.
— Have you seen Olena, Oksana?
— Yes, of course.
— Where is she now?
— She isn't here now.
c) — Hello, Marina (Vladic). I am glad to see you.
— Hello, Nastya (Ruslan). I am glad to see you too.
— I haven't seen you for a long time. Where did you spend your summer holidays?
— First I spent a month at my grandparents in a village and then I went to Kyiv with my parents. I visited Kyiv for the first time and I liked the city very much. Have you ever been to Kyiv?
— Yes, I have. I spent my last winter holidays there. I liked the city very much too.
— What places of interest did you see?
— I visited the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv-Pechirska Lavra, the monuments to Bohdan Khmelnitsky and Taras Shevchenko, some theatres and some museums.
— I was glad to see you. Good-bye.
d) — Hello, Ira (Olexiy). I am glad to see you.
— Hello, Marina (Ivan). I am glad to see you too.
— I haven't seen you for ages. Where did you spend your summer holidays?
— First I spent a month at the rest camp and then I went to Odesa with my parents. I visited Odesa for the first time and I liked the city very much. Have you ever been to Odesa?
— Yes, I have. I was there two years ago. I liked the city very much too.
— What places of interest did you see?
— Of course I went for a walk about Deribasovska Street. I visited the Art Gallery, the Naval Museum. I was at the famous Opera and Ballet Theatre. Of course I tried to visit famous Odesa beaches.
— I was glad to see you. Good-bye.

7. Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. Yes, I have. I have been to Kyiv. 2. I visited Kresehatik, the Ukrainian Fine Art Museum, the Taras Shevchenko Museum and others. 3. I saw high department stores, supermarkets, monuments, churches in the streets of Kyiv. 4. Yes, I have. I have made a trip down to the Dnipro River. 5. I shall try to see Sophia Cathedral, modern districts of Kyiv if I am in Kyiv next time.

Lesson 6

4. Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. І usually clean the flat, go shopping, wash up and sometimes I prepare breakfast.
2. Yesterday I washed the floor, dusted the carpet, washed up after breakfast and went shopping.
3. Tomorrow I shall wash up and prepare breakfast.
4. I have already cleaned my room and washed up today.

5. Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.
1. We always come to school in time. 2. He came home in time yesterday. 3. I shall come and see you tomorrow. 4. She has just come. 5. In summer they were in Poltava. 6. I shall be at school tomorrow. 7. The children were in Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa, Kharkiv and many other cities of Ukraine.

6. Прочитайте речення і перекладіть їх українською мовою.
Теперішній тривалий час Стверджувальна форма
Я зараз дивлюсь телевізор.
Він (вона) дивиться зараз телевізор.
Ви (ми, вони) дивитесь (дивимось, дивляться) зараз телевізор. Заперечна форма
Я зараз не дивлюсь телевізор.
Він (вона) не дивиться зараз телевізор.
Ви (ми, вони) не дивитесь (не дивимось, не дивляться) зараз телевізор. Питальна форма
Ви зараз дивитесь телевізор?
— Так (Ні).
Він (вона) зараз дивиться телевізор?
— Так (Ні).
Ви (вони) зараз дивитесь (дивляться) телевізор?
— Так (Ні).

7. Подивіться на рисунок і дайте відповідь на запитання.
What is the boy doing?
1. He is getting up. 2. The boy is doing his morning exercises. 3. He is making his bed. 4. He is having breakfast. 5. The boy is going to school. 6. He is writing in his exercise-book.

8. Дайте відповідь на запитання.
1. Yes, I am. I am at the lesson now. 2. I am sitting at the desk. 3. I am reading. 4. I am doing exercise 8. 5. My friend is answering now. 6. Our teacher is listening to our answers. 9. Подивіться на свого друга і прокоментуйте його дії. This is Bohdan. Bohdan is at the lesson now. He is standing at the blackboard. (He is sitting at the desk). He is reading the task of exercise 9. He is answering the teacher's questions.

Lesson 7

1. Дайте відповіді на запитання. 1. It is autumn now. 2. Yes, it is. (No, it is not.) 3. Yes, it is. (No, it isn't.) 4. Yes, it is (the sun is shining). No it isn't (the sun isn't shining). It is cold today. (It is warm today.)
2. Опишіть погоду, що була минулої неділі. It was warm last Sunday. The sun was shining. The wind wasn't blowing. The sky was blue. It was covered with white clouds. The temperature was fifteen degrees above zero. The ground was covered with the red, golden, brown leaves. It was very nice. It was cold last Sunday. It was raining. The wind was blowing. The sky was grey. It was covered with grey clouds. The temperature was ten degrees above zero. The leaves in the trees were green, red, brown and yellow. They were falling from the trees. It was very nice to look at it.

3. Опишіть погоду сьогодні. It is warm today. The sun is shining. The wind isn't blowing. It isn't raining. The sky is blue. There are some white clouds in the sky. The leaves in the trees are green, red, orange and brown. The gnass is green. The ground is beautiful and it is covered with the carpet of leaves of different colours. I like today's weather. It is cold today. The sun isn't shining. The wind is blowing. It is raining. The sky is grey with clouds. The leaves in the trees are green, red, orange and brown. The grass is still green. The ground is covered with the carpet of leaves of different colours and looks beautiful. I can't say that I like today's weather because I don't like rain.

6. Дайте відповіді на запитання. 1. І usually go to the park on Sundays. 2. I went to the museum last Sunday. 3. I shall go to the theatre next Sunday. 4. I have already spoken about my trip to Kyiv, I have already described today's and last Sunday's weather. 5. I am answering the questions of exercise six. 6. My friend is reading the questions of exercise six.

8. Прочитайте листа.
«Люба Марино! Я рада отримати твого листа знову. Дякую тобі за те, що ти розповіла мені про свої літні канікули. Щодо мене, то я також їздила до моря під час канікул. Я була в Ялті біля Чорного моря три тижні. Погода була чудова, іноді спекотна, і я купалася в морі кожного дня. Після Ялти і Чорного моря я поїхала до Запоріжжя і Дніпропетровська. Ці міста тісно пов'язані з героїчною боротьбою українського народу за свободу. Там у нас були дуже цікаві екскурсії. У Запоріжжі ми відвідали острів Хортиця, який був центром Запорозької Січі. Ми вшанували пам'ять цих хоробрих і мужніх людей, запорозьких козаків, які боролися проти ворогів України. У Дніпропетровській області ми відвідали село Капулівка. Це село відоме могилою керівника Запорозького козацтва Івана Сірка. Тут буде споруджений меморіальний комплекс, який вшанує героя, і на честь 500 річниці Запорозького козацтва. У серпні я нікуди не їздила, я залишилася в Києві. Я ходила в кіно, театри і музеї, читала книжки і готувалась до нового навчального року. Я знаю, що ти завжди проводиш канікули разом із своїм старшим братом Толею. Чи був Толя в таборі відпочинку з тобою? Розкажи мені про це, будь ласка, у твоєму наступному листі.
Твоя подруга Світлана».

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